PPR Australia

We have a clear and simple purpose; communicate to create. We welcome your comments, but please keep them family friendly. ^PPR

We use this page to post industry news, updates, and interesting facts. More importantly, we're here to chat and answer your questions 9am - 5pm, 5 days a week (and some weekends, when we're feeling chatty).

Moderated by:
^Dolan (but only when we get things wrong)
And a bunch of other people from time to time.


We love to have fun, but please be aware that we review all comments and any content containing offensive language, images, personal attacks or slurs of any kind or promotes or endorses unrelated products or services, will be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.

We take threats to PPR employees and property very seriously and these may be escalated to the appropriate authorities.

Please read through our Social Media Engagement Guidelines for more information: http://bit.ly/PPRSocialMedia

Our team are online Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm (AEST)

Consulting/business services